Remove contaminants such as dirt and grease from the painted surface with a heavy duty detergent. Allow surface to air dry, as water will decrease the stripper's effectiveness. Pour 3X Paint Stripper into the metal container. DO NOT use a plastic container. DO NOT DILUTE. Working in approximately 2-3 foot sections at a time, generously spray 3X Paint Stripper so that the painted surface is wet, but not running or dripping. We recommend working from side to side, top to bottom. Allow to stand until paint is thoroughly wrinkled or bubbled. Using a scraper or spreader, check surface for complete penetration. If penetration is not complete, apply a second coat over the first and allow to stand for several minutes. Once penetration is confirmed, scrape off the lifted paint with a plastic scraper and dispose of in a metal container. Flush with water or solvent to rinse.
NOTE. Before priming, painting or using fillers on the bare surface, be sure to follow the coating manufacturer's surface preparation guidelines.