About Us

We Are The Maintenance & Restoration Solutions People

There is a certain satisfaction that comes with doing a job yourself, and doing it right. Where most would fear the task, you face it with the passion and vigor that only another DIY’er would understand. At 3X:Chemistry we understand, because like you, we are
enthusiast’s and DIY’ers. But we also get the grueling labor and expense involved when products don’t perform as promised.

That’s why we created a full line of maintenance and restoration chemicals that provide easy to use, yet effective solutions for making those projects a little less painful. Every 3X:Chemistry product is formulated and manufactured with the highest quality materials for maximum performance....or what we like to call the “wow” factor.

So next time you’re faced with a project most consider a chore, 3X:Chemistry will be there with you to tackle it together. After all, it’s what DIY’ers do.

It’s all in the chemistry.

Providing the tools that help the DIY’er do the job better.